Hunter / Trapper Education

BCFG will not be holding in person Hunter/Trapper Education classes at this time. We are looking for instructors that are certified by the PA Game Commission to facilitate in person classes at our club. 

Planning to go hunting/trapping in Pennsylvania?

All first-time hunter/trappers are required to successfully complete a six-hour hunter trapper education course prior to obtaining a license.

Are you an existing hunter planning on hunting out of state?

You too may need a hunter trapper education certificate. Most states now require a hunter trapper education certificate prior to issuing you a license from that state.

BCF&G will not be holding classes at this time. Classes are available thru the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

To enroll in a hunter/trapper education class visit the Pennsylvania Game Commission at:                                                     

Bow hunters

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Bow Hunting?

Some states now require a successful bow hunting (certificate/class) which the Pennsylvania Game Commission now offers.